We could not map this address. Please click on the map to set the precise location.Once the address and location have been verified, click the "Confirm Address" button located below the map.The location is currently being confirmed. Thank you.
Appointment Time
Please select an appointment date and time.
Account Information
Referral Code
Project Details
Is the property vacant or occupied?* required
Additional Information
Please enter anything else we may need to know (i.e. gate code, special feature of the home to make sure we get, etc.)
(NOTE: This option is only displayed to team members, not clients)
MATTERPORT SPACE HOSTING HOMEPICS360 will host your 3D tour or 3D Showcase Tour for 1 months from the date of Service. Additional months may be requested by You, and paid for by You, prior to the expiration of the 1 month hosting timeframe. Find hosting prices at www.homepics360.com. Hosting is charged in advance in 1 month increments. There will be no refunds or credits for partial months of hosting service. If you do not pay for additional hosting time after your initial 1 months has expired, or you stop paying a hosting fee in the future, you agree to your 3D tour and/or 3D Showcase Tour will be archived, or if HOMEPICS360 chooses to keep the tour online, you consent to HOMEPICS360 placing any of its advertising or logos, or third party advertising, on your virtual tour pages.
TRAVEL FEES and PARKING: I offer real estate photography in Los Angeles via local service area. Local service area includes a 30 mile range from Granada Hills. Properties located outside of the local service area will incur a travel fee. Travel fees are calculated via Google Maps and are based on the distance from Granada Hills, to the client property. Travel fees calculated during checkout. If guest parking or free street parking is unavailable, clients will be responsible for any parking fees incurred by photographer to park in a nearby parking lot.
CANCELLATIONS and RESCHEDULING: If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please request at least a 48 hours notice via the contact form on below. You will receive a cancellation confirmation email within 24 hours. If you do not receive a cancellation confirmation email, that means I did not receive your cancellation request and your appointment is still reserved. Please contact me immediately. If you give less than 24 hours notice, you will be charged a $50.00 cancellation fee. There is no cancellation fee for rescheduling your photo shoot due to bad weather. If you repeatedly cancel or reschedule appointments, a $100.00 non-refundable security deposit will be required to reserve your next photo shoot.
NO SHOWS/LATE SHOWS/SCRAP SHOOT: If you do not show up for your appointment or if you show up so late that the photo shoot has to be cancelled, you will be charged a $100.00 trip fee that must be paid in full before we can reschedule another shoot. If I arrive at the property and am unable to photograph the home due to lack of electricity, lack of interior access or other issues, the shoot will be cancelled and you will be charged a $100.00 scrap shoot fee that must be paid in full before we can schedule another photo shoot.
RESHOOTS: A fee of $100 will be applied for a re-shoot.
In order to avoid a re-shoot:
1. Please be sure the property is and is cleaned and styled to your specifications.
2. Make sure weather conditions are to your liking.
3. It is strongly recommended that the agent be present at the photo session to communicate any specific shot requests to the photographer.
PAYMENT: Payment will be requested upon completion of photo editing. Invoice will be sent with payment instructions.
IMAGE DELIVERY: After payment has been received in full, images are delivered via electronic download.